AuguStar Financial - Important documents for estate executors

Important documents for estate executors to locate

Business man reviewing documents

As you work through the planning process of closing out your loved one’s estate, you may struggle with where to begin.

Here are some important documents that you should locate to help you prepare for filing claims or meeting with the estate attorney.

  • Certified death certificate
  • Last Will and Testament and trust documents
  • Social Security card
  • Individual and group life insurance policies
  • Disability income, annuity, and property insurance policies
  • Safety deposit box number, location, and key
  • Birth certificates of all surviving children
  • Marriage and/or divorce papers
  • Name and phone numbers of current employer
  • Employer benefit plans, pension plan and 401(k)
  • Real estate papers, such as deeds and mortgage documents
  • Important tax documents
  • Statements for all bank accounts
  • Automobile titles/registrations
  • Instructions for funeral proceedings
  • Deed to cemetery plot
  • Military service serial number and dates of entry and discharge
  • Veteran’s benefits

This material provides general information that is designed to be educational in nature and is not intended as specific tax or legal advice to any particular individual nor the law of any particular state. Please seek the advice of a qualified tax or legal professional for your specific situation.

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