AuguStar Financial - Tips to help with filing a death claim

Tips to help with filing a death claim

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Losing a loved one is never easy. While it can be emotionally draining, here are some tips to help you through the claim process.

Before you file a claim

When filing a claim, it’s important to have the following information:

  • Policy number(s)
  • Full name of the deceased
  • Date and manner of death
  • Name and contact information, including mailing address, email for the individual filing or assisting with filing the claim
  • If policy number(s) cannot be located, be sure to have the insured’s full date of birth and last four digits of their Social Security number

Start the process

To start the process, you can fill out the request form online. After the information has been received, the claims department will send you a complete set of claims forms to be completed.

Completing the claim

When the death certificate or other acceptable proof of death as defined in the contract has been received, AuguStar Financial will calculate the total death benefit.

In addition, the following paperwork is needed for all claims:

  • A claim form completed and signed by each beneficiary
  • A certified copy of the death certificate for the insured

Additional documentation or forms may be required if:

  • The named primary beneficiary has pre-deceased the insured
  • An estate, trust, corporation or other legal entity is the named beneficiary


We’re here to help with your claims related questions.

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